Dental Diagnostic Centre

World Class dental care at your neighbourhood

Endodontic Equipment

The Root Apex locator aids our endodontist in defining the length of the teeth. It is a fully automatic root canal length measuring device (apex locator) which provides extremely accurate measurements in all canal conditions.
Advanced microprocessor ensures precise readings even in the presence of sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, saliva, blood or pulp. The microprocessor also calibrates automatically, making it ready to use immediately after turning on the main switch. These features and more make it one of the most highly rated root canal length measuring devices on the market.

Endo Micromotor

The NSK Endo-Mate DT is a device used to drill and measures the rotation speed as well as torque levles during root canal treatments. An autoreverse function activates when the present torque level has been exceeded. Endo-Mate's torque control system combined with the Apex Locator allows dentists and dental specialists to perform safe and more accurate root canal preparation.