Dental Diagnostic Centre

World Class dental care at your neighbourhood

Are you aware of the importance of Oral hygiene? If not, then you must visit DDC Smiles . Our dentists are prepared to educate you about oral healthcare and teach you the correct techniques to be using various products. Find a happy smile with all the new products available in our clinic to help you maintain the oral health care for yourself and your family. We have created Tooth Booth which is a complete Oral care solution for all your dental needs:

1.Complete oral care from preventive to curative with personalized treatment solutions given to each patients.

2.Dental hygiene products from regular to advanced hygiene depending on the extent of your plaque index.

DDC smiles is committed to making preventive care an easy choice for you and your family. Tooth Booth caters to all problems such as Yellowing of teeth, bleeding from gums, bad breath, frequent ulcers and cavities. We also have a range of products especially for kids oral health and hygiene